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Freedom in Christ

What a ride.

I have tried many things in life to find fulfilment in this world, to fill a void that could never be filled outside of Christ. From alcohol abuse, drug abuse, adultery, stealing, etc. Nothing brought me fulfilment and freedom and I found myself falling into a deeper pit. I went as far as losing my marriage and my family.

How many people could associate with this intro?

Well, today I am a restored man. God restored my marriage, family, self-worth, etc. All I had to do was surrender and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. I am a changed man with purpose! God did it for me, he can do it for you.

What I have learned over time is that man has his own plans, and those plans usually deal with self and self gratification. The bible is clear in Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails"

Don't hear what I am not saying, God does not override free will. If we die to ourselves (meaning surrendering our soul which is - mind, will and emotions) then we are open to be led by His spirit.

You see, God had a plan for me and my family, and the first step was for ME to GET SAVED!

The second step was for me to reunite and reconcile with my wife and my kids for they are part of the purpose God had for us as a family. God steers and directs me on a daily basis in order for me to fulfil my purpose. He uses our past as tools to further His kingdom. God turn's our scars into stars!

One of the things to remember when riding a motorcycle is that there is a aspect called "target fixation". What this means is that if there is a stone in the road and you are looking at it whilst riding, you will hit that stone even though your intention is to miss it. Where you look is where you ride. What are you fixated on? We need to fixate on Christ and by doing so, you will collide with His love and surety that He would lead you into His will for your life.

So? Your intro might be intense, but let the Lord direct your steps. Surrender, engage and then hang on for the ride of your life.

In Christ you are free, free to dream, free to hope, free to live with His opinion and free from the stress of trying to control your own life.

Blessings. Devs

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Perspective does bring freedom. What a ride, indeed.

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